Reconstruction and Spectral Analysis for Optical Coherence Tomography

버전 (4.71 MB) 작성자: Orly Liba
A code for reconstruction and spectral analysis of spectral domain OCT images.
다운로드 수: 1.4K
업데이트 날짜: 2017/4/20

MATLAB code for reconstruction and spectral analysis of spectral domain OCT images. This code can be used as part of a platform for molecular imaging with OCT, which we call MOZART.
This code was created to read raw interferograms from Thorlabs OCTs (SW version 4 works best, but version 3 is also supported with a few changes). It reconstructs the raw interferograms into OCT images, and supports both 2D, 3D and speckle variance. In addition to reconstructing the images this code:
Calculates the normalized spcekle variance (useful for detecting blood vessels)
Calculates dispersion compensation
Calculates a map of spectral contras, based on dual-band spectral analysis
Calculates spectral-depth compensation
Creates images that combine the OCT image, spectral analysis and speckle variance.
and more features...
This code was used to create images and analysis for: "Contrast-enhanced optical coherence tomography with picomolar sensitivity for functional in vivo imaging" O Liba, ED SoRelle, D Sen, A de La Zerda - Scientific reports, 2016.
Please cite our paper if you use our code.

인용 양식

Orly Liba (2024). Reconstruction and Spectral Analysis for Optical Coherence Tomography (, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2015b
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