
버전 (84.6 KB) 작성자: Cesar Hernandez
This is an example program to visualize the basic behavior of the SURF algorithm
다운로드 수: 187
업데이트 날짜: 2017/1/23

라이선스 보기

In this example, an image loaded previously into the working directory is detected by the SURF algorithm. As an input, this example uses the stream from a laptop webcam. Additionally, the user can visualize in the output screen the number of matched pairs between the reference and the detected scene as well as a yellow box bounding the detected image. Finally, the scale of the detected image and its rotation angle are shown in the command window

인용 양식

Cesar Hernandez (2024). VideoStreamSURF (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2013a
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