Compressibility Factor Calculator (exact)

버전 (4.59 KB) 작성자: Bilal Siddiqui
This is a compressibility factor calculating algorithm using Kapuno's algorithm.
다운로드 수: 413
업데이트 날짜: 2016/10/19

라이선스 보기

Calculates compressibility factor (Z) of gas at a given temperature and pressure. Calculated by Van der Waals equation of state, using the algorithm given in Programming for Chemical Engineers Using C, C++, and MATLAB® By R. Kapuno
Example: Find the compressibility factor of methane at 280 K and 20 bar:
Z = compressibility2('methane',280,'K',20,'bar')
Z = 0.951140928234726

The above example shows that methane at 280 K and 20 bar deviates from the ideal gas law by approximately 4.9%.

인용 양식

Bilal Siddiqui (2024). Compressibility Factor Calculator (exact) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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