
버전 (3.71 KB) 작성자: Marc Jakobi
Class for time stamps in the UNIX format
다운로드 수: 53
업데이트 날짜: 2016/10/14

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DATEUNIX Class for time stamps in the UNIX format (number of seconds
since 01-Jan-1970)

The constructor method can be used to convert datenum, datevec,
datestr and datetime by calling:

dout = dateunix(din)
dout = dateunix(din, formatOut)

It can also be converted to the 4 aforementioned formats by calling
their respective functions on a variable of type dateunix.


- Add/subtract time to a dateunix variable:

newtime = addtime(oldtime, increment);

increment can be 'nanoseconds', 'microseconds', 'milliseconds',
'seconds', 'minutes' or the default: 'days'

- Determine day of the year (value between 1 and 366)

doy = dayofyear(time);

- Determine day of the week (value between 1 and 7)

dow = dayofweek(time, start);
--> start is a string that determines the first day of the week
can be 'Sun' (default), 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri',
or 'Sat'

- Determine time of the day in 'nanoseconds', 'microseconds', 'milliseconds',
'seconds' (default), 'minutes' or 'days' (set by input: increment)

tod = timeofday(time, increment);

Methods will be gradually added/updated if they are needed.

Author: Marc Jakobi, 05.10.2016

인용 양식

Marc Jakobi (2025). dateunix (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

file didn't update again.

file didn't update.

Updated with overloaded operators.
Performing operations on a dateunix object now returns a new dateunix object.
uminus() returns a double.
horzcat, vertcat, etc. now implemented.

Updated timeofday method with performance improvements suggested by Jan Simon

- forgot to change the file

- Added three new methods: dayofyear(), dayofweek() and timeofday()
- Added method for datevec() function
- corrected mistake in addtime() method
- corrected mistake in local function cellstrfind()