
버전 (3.11 KB) 작성자: Yvan Lengwiler
logticks replaces the y-axis ticks of a logarithmic graph with the non-logarithmic values.
다운로드 수: 35
업데이트 날짜: 2016/3/4

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The program takes the exponential of the existing ticks. It then adjusts them to get a sequence of 'pretty numbers.' Because of this, the spacing is never perfectly uniform, and sometimes this non-uniformity can be undesirable. In those cases, it helps selecting a larger minimum decimal position, because this will allow the program to choose more uniformly spaced ticks on a narrower grid.
t = 0:30; y = exp(-t*0.03 + randn(1,31)*0.2);
plot(t,log(y)); grid on; logticks()
figure; plot(t,log(y)); grid on; logticks(gca,2)
t = 0:50; y = 1e6 * exp(t*0.05 + randn(1,51)*0.2);
figure; plot(t,log(y)); grid on; logticks
figure; plot(t,log(y)); grid on; logticks([],[],1e-6)

인용 양식

Yvan Lengwiler (2024). logticks (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/55762-logticks), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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