NBUTTONDLG: A Generic Implementation of QUESTBOXDLG

버전 (5.03 KB) 작성자: sco1
Generates an n-button question dialog box
다운로드 수: 77
업데이트 날짜: 2022/10/12

An expansion over QUESTBOXDLG, which allows up to 3 button selections, NBUTTONDLG(Question, ButtonLabels) creates a modal dialog box that sizes to accomodate a generic number of buttons. The number of buttons is determined by the number of elements in buttonlabels, a 1xn cell array of strings. The name of the button that is pressed is returned as a string in userchoice. NBUTTONDLG will theoretically support an infinite number of buttons. The default parameters are optimized for 4 buttons.
NBUTTONDLG returns the label of the selected button as a character array. If the dialog window is closed without a valid selection the return value is empty.
NBUTTONDLG uses UIWAIT to suspend execution until the user responds.
UserChoice = nbuttondlg('What is your favorite color?', ...
{'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow'} ...
if ~isempty(UserChoice)
fprintf('Your favorite color is %s!\n', UserChoice);
fprintf('You have no favorite color :(\n')

The Question and ButtonLabel inputs can be followed by parameter/value pairs to specify additional properties of the dialog box. For example, NBUTTONDLG(Question, ButtonLabels, 'DialogTitle', 'This is a Title!') will create a dialog box with the specified Question and ButtonLabels and replace the default figure title with 'This is a Title!'

인용 양식

sco1 (2025). NBUTTONDLG: A Generic Implementation of QUESTBOXDLG (https://github.com/StackOverflowMATLABchat/nbuttondlg), GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2009b
모든 릴리스와 호환
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Update version requirement from R2007a to R2009b due to use of tilde operator in function calls.

Fixed handle graphics compatibility issues requiring R2014b or later. Should now work with MATLAB 2007a and later.

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