
버전 (6.38 MB) 작성자: GEO GEP
~how to create a nice round button~
다운로드 수: 310
업데이트 날짜: 2015/8/17

matbuttons is a simple matlab script for creating gui elements and especially buttons in arbitary sizes and shapes.
Geps_summer_treat is a small demo that serves as a guide for creating buttons with practically no creative limitations at the price of exposing some java functionality by undocumented methods and reqires a little bit of photoshop/gimp skills.

See manual.pdf for a quick overview and run Geps_summer_treat.m for inspecting the different flavors (tristates, toggles, embedded, etc.). Callback's functions are implemented nested only for demostration purposes, mainly for viewing code snippets without much scrolling.

인용 양식

GEO GEP (2025). directorscut82/matbuttons (, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2014b
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