Vectorial ray-based diffraction integral (VRBDI)

버전 (106 KB) 작성자: Birk Andreas
Vectorial ray-based diffraction integral (VRBDI) and simulation tools
다운로드 수: 955
업데이트 날짜: 2021/9/24

라이선스 보기

Simulation of monochromatic light propagation in optical systems by combination of ray-tracing with a vectorial diffraction integral (See: B. Andreas, G. Mana, and C. Palmisano, "Vectorial ray-based diffraction integral," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1403-1424 (2015)).

인용 양식

Birk Andreas (2024). Vectorial ray-based diffraction integral (VRBDI) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2013b
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Added support of Jones matrices which can be assigned to surfaces.

Several bugfixes, enabled even asphere support, fixed possible "NaNification" in diffraction integral CUDA kernels, added function for calculation of mode field of step-index single-mode fiber (SMFmodefield.m), added Example6.m, 250 chars not enough!

Removed a bug in TraceSystemVNP which could cause a wrong reflection coefficient in special cases.

Added experiemtal CUDA functions for vectorial diffraction integrals (VDIgpu.m, VDInTgpu.m, VDInRgpu.m) and plane wave integrals (PWIgpu.m, PWInTgpu.m, PWInRgpu.m). Operation tested and confirmed for Quadro K6000.
Fixed bugs in SFFT.m and VDInterf.m.

Added Example4.m: skew propagation of a large Gaussian beam through a bestform lens to the focal region.
Added the functions GetRM.m, PropSpectrum.m, TransSpectrum.m, Rx.m, Ry.m and Rz.m.
Added functionality to VDI.m: time-reversed propagation.

The inclusion of the intensity law of geometrical optics into TraceSystemVNP.m, i.e. where the refracted field is calculated, has improved the accuracy of VRBDIsw.m and VRBDIpw.m.

Added VDInterf.m (stepwise propagation through interfaces);
Changed parameter passing to VRBDIsw.m (normal and surface element are now required because the automatic calculation was not working correctly for tilted planes);
Other minor changes.

In order to fix numerical root finding issues the internal function ULTRAceParaboloid.m has been optimized.