Head Pose recognition in near real-time videos and static images

버전 (6.09 MB) 작성자: Ishwarya Iyengar
Perform head pose recognition in images & video. Train your own classifier or use the one provided.
다운로드 수: 356
업데이트 날짜: 2015/5/20

라이선스 보기

This code can be used to train your own KNN or Naive Bayes classifier for head pose recognition. The head poses recognized are Left, Right and Straight. ImageTest.m uses an already trained classifier to recognize head poses in images and VideoTest.m uses the same for near real-time video. See ReadMe.txt file in Classifier Training folder for more details on how to train your own KNN or naive Bayes classifier.

인용 양식

Ishwarya Iyengar (2024). Head Pose recognition in near real-time videos and static images (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50929-head-pose-recognition-in-near-real-time-videos-and-static-images), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2014a
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Near real-time and Static Head Pose Recognition/

Near real-time and Static Head Pose Recognition/ClassifierTraining/

Near real-time and Static Head Pose Recognition/ClassifierTraining/Test/Left/

Near real-time and Static Head Pose Recognition/ClassifierTraining/Test/Right/

Near real-time and Static Head Pose Recognition/ClassifierTraining/Test/Straight/

Near real-time and Static Head Pose Recognition/ClassifierTraining/Training/Left/

Near real-time and Static Head Pose Recognition/ClassifierTraining/Training/Right/

Near real-time and Static Head Pose Recognition/ClassifierTraining/Training/Straight/

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