버전 (69.2 KB) 작성자:
Oleg Komarov
Improve readability of your code and keep it tidy
MATLAB programmatic utilities to keep your code more readable, smart indented and free of eccessive white space.
* justify() Improves readability of your code by aligning the assignment operator of a block of code (see image below for example)
* smartIndent() Applies smart indent programmatically. See the ufficial TMW blog for supported modes.
For a quick overview of justify, see the .gif.
인용 양식
Oleg Komarov (2024). okomarov/TidyCode (https://github.com/okomarov/TidyCode), GitHub. 검색 날짜: .
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버전 | 게시됨 | 릴리스 정보 | |
---|---|---|---| | re-updated description
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