PowerPoint Slide Extractor

Source code and GUI for extracting slides from PPT file
다운로드 수: 469
업데이트 날짜: 2015/1/28

라이선스 보기

Create PowerPoint file(s) from slides extracted from PPT files identified in a folder.
Slides can be extracted either from a script file or from a GUI. A MATLAB App (GUI), test PPT files and example output can be found in the release section. Tunning the test file is a good way to get started (testPptSlideExtractorClass.m)

Start GUI


pptFolderPath : Folder path that contains PPT/PPTX files
pptFileNamePrefix : Destination PPT file name prefix
save_folder_name : Destination Path to save destination PPT
slidesToExtract : Array of slides to remove from each PPT
numSlidesPerPPT : Number of slides to save in each destination PPT. Each created PPT is numbered sequentially starting with 1.

Function Prototypes

obj = SlideExtractorClass(pptFolderPath, pptFileNamePrefix, save_folder_name)
obj = obj.extractSlides
obj = obj.extractSlides(slidesToExtract, numSlidesPerPPT)


Tested with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


The following open source utilities are called by SlideExtractorClass



인용 양식

Dennis A. Dean, II, Ph.D. (2024). PowerPoint Slide Extractor (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/49274-powerpoint-slide-extractor), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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