Chaos theory and meta-heuristics

버전 (49.7 KB) 작성자: Seyedali Mirjalili
10 chaotic maps that can be integrated to any meta-heuristics
다운로드 수: 2.9K
업데이트 날짜: 2018/5/22

라이선스 보기

You can simply use any of these chaotic maps when you need a random number in [0 1] in your meta-heuristic. The maps are:
Chebyshev map
Circle map
Gauss/mouse map
Iterative map
Logistic map
Piecewise map
Sine map
Singer map
Sinusoidal map
Tent map
Details can be found in the following reference:
S. Saremi, S. Mirjalili, A. Lewis, Biogeography-based optimisation with chaos, Neural Computing and Applications, In press, 2014, Springer,

You can download the paper here:

A course on “Optimization Problems and Algorithms: how to understand, formulation, and solve optimization problems”:

A course on “Introduction to Genetic Algorithms: Theory and Applications”

인용 양식

Seyedali Mirjalili (2024). Chaos theory and meta-heuristics (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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