Specifying icon in questdlg

버전 (24 KB) 작성자: Dirk
'buttondlg' enables you to change the icon in the question dialog box.
다운로드 수: 578
업데이트 날짜: 2014/4/29

라이선스 보기

'buttondlg' is a simple modification of MATLABs function QUESTDLG which enables the user to change the icon in the dialog box, known from the MATLAB function MSGBOX. Available icons are the same known from MSGBOX ('none', 'warn', 'error', 'help', 'custom'), but also 'quest' (known from the original QUESTDLG) and 'bulb'. If you choose 'custom', you also have to specify IconData and optional IconCMap, also known form fhe function MSGBOX. Best icon size is [50,50].

Examples (as shown in the image):

Example 1:

Button=buttondlg('System Error!','Error','Stop','Continue', struct('Default','Continue','IconString','error'));

Example 2:

Button=buttondlg('Do you like the color icon?','Question','Yes','Maybe','No',struct('Default','Yes','IconString','custom','IconData',uint8(rand(50,50,3).*256)));
% is the same like:
S.Default = 'Yes';
S.IconString = 'custom';
S.IconData = uint8(rand(50,50,3).*256);
Button=buttondlg('Do you like the color icon?','Question','Yes','Maybe','No',S);

Example 3:

options.Interpreter = 'tex';
options.Default = 'Don''t know';
options.IconString = 'none';
qstring = 'Is \Sigma(\alpha - \beta) < 0?';
title = 'Boundary Condition';
Button = buttondlg(qstring,title,'Yes','No','Don''t know',options)

인용 양식

Dirk (2025). Specifying icon in questdlg (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/46401-specifying-icon-in-questdlg), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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