라이선스 없음
LaPrint is a MATLAB function to print MATLAB graphics for inclusion in LaTeX documents. LaPrint creates an eps-file and a tex-file. The tex-file contains the annotation of the figure such as titles, labels and texts. The eps-file contains the non-text part of the figure and is called by the tex-file.
The main advantage of using LaPrint is that the annotation can be neatly (e.g., including math mode and fancy font constructs) set within LaTeX. LaPrint can be used from the command line or via a graphical user interface (GUI).
Current Version is 3.16. Matlab 6.1 or above is required.
An Users Guide for LaPrint is available at
인용 양식
Arno Linnemann (2025). LaPrint (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux카테고리
도움 준 파일: lead acid Battert model, Rapid Prototyping Environment for Compressed Sensing (REPCS), Plot2LaTeX, PlotEpsTeX, PlotPdfTex, matlabfrag, plot2eps, Legend to latex converter, exportEpsPdf
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---|---|---|---| | painters for rendering, improved tick labels, no color for Matlab 6.1 |