
버전 (1.95 KB) 작성자: José Crespo Barrios
Removes the non desired rows or columns from a cell
다운로드 수: 792
업데이트 날짜: 2014/4/11

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Examples: Let cellA be a [3x3] cell.
cellA = fun_removecellrowcols(cellA,2,'rows')
% the output will be a [2x3] cell, in which the middle row has been removed.

cellA = fun_removecellrowcols(cellA,[1,2],'cols')

% The output dimensions of cellA will be [3x1], in which 1st and 2nd columns
have been removed.

인용 양식

José Crespo Barrios (2024). fun_removecellrowcols (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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