버전 (2.05 KB) 작성자:
Jordi Soler Penades
Numericaly evaluates integral using Gauss-Legendre quadrature method.
This zip has 3 funtions:
-polegende generates legendre polinomyal.
-flege performs an integration variable change to change any interval [a,b] to [-1,1] so the integral can be properly evaluated.
-gausslegende numericaly evaluates the integral of function [f]
인용 양식
Jordi Soler Penades (2025). Gauss-Legendre (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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- MATLAB > Mathematics > Numerical Integration and Differential Equations >
- Mathematics and Optimization > Symbolic Math Toolbox > Mathematics > Calculus >
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