mmROI (multiple images with multiple ROIs)

버전 (5.45 KB) 작성자: Shanrong Zhang
open multiple images and preform multiple ROIs process
다운로드 수: 6.5K
업데이트 날짜: 2005/4/18

라이선스 보기

1) Goal: Interactively process MULTIPLE images with MULTIPLE ROIs (so-called mmROI), which returns ROI mean, std, min, max, median, area and center(X,Y), and plots the mean/std values along the image series.

2) Usage: [roi, im] = mmROI; (please don't forget to add a semicolon ";" at the end of this command. Otherwise, all image data will be showing on

a) The statistic data are in roi structures, which may be save into a text file (optional). If you want to see the details, you may type, for example, roi.mean to show all mean values; roi.mean(1, 1, 1)to display the mean value of the 1st image, the 1st ROI and the red color; roi.std(3, 1, :) to show std values of all image 1, the 1st ROI and the blue color, etc.

b) The image data are in a stack (im). You may use immovie(im) to play a movie or montage(im) to show all images in one figure.

3) Limitation: all images MUST have exactly identical size. Otherwise, an error will take place and the program will be terminated. The reason is that all image data were loaded into a stack matrix, im(:,:,:,imNumber).

First version: 02/14/2004
Fix bug: Now it works on Version r14sp2

Shanrong Zhang
Department of Radiology
University of Washington


인용 양식

Shanrong Zhang (2024). mmROI (multiple images with multiple ROIs) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Fix bug so that it will run on version R14SP2