Modified version of UISignalBuilder by Laurent VAYLET.
Use this tool to create signals by mouse-clicks. They can then be exported to Matlab variables at a specified sample period.
- Linear, spline, pchip and nearest neighbor interpolation,
- Multiple signals in one figure (you can add signals, not delete them),
- Save/reload data points to/from a workspace variable
- Export signals at a specified sample period.
- Choose which signals to export
- Export in a "Simulink|From Workspace"-friendly form (i.e. a struct with a 'time' and a 'signals' field).
- Intuitive pan/zoom
For this file, I modified the code by VAYLET. GridBagLayout was used for positioning the controls in the figure. A modified version of akZoom (named akZoom2, included in this package) was used for panning/zooming. Note that akZoom2 is not a mature product. It works for this specific project, but functionality in other cases is not guaranteed.
인용 양식
Gijs van Oort (2024). UISignalBuilder2 (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/41615-uisignalbuilder2), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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도움 받은 파일: UISIGNALBUILDER, akZoom, GridBagLayout
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