folders sub-folders

버전 (4.34 KB) 작성자: Nikolay S.
Returns cell array of folder names located under input list (cell array) of folders. Non recursive!
다운로드 수: 957
업데이트 날짜: 2014/10/26

라이선스 보기

This functions goal is to return a list (cell array) of names of sub-folders located under user defined folders list. The input should be a a cell array of parent directories names. The function also supports input of a single directory name string.
Alternatively, the user can choose the folders using the OS explorer- by enabling the 'flagGUI' input.
Function properties:
- It is not recursive but iterative.
- It does not change the current folder (not using "cd" command).
- It uses "ls" function, which is supposed to be faster than "dir" function.
- According to some measurements I've made it runs faster than the alternatives.
- I also believe it is clearly written and documented, so it should be easy to understand and maintain.

인용 양식

Nikolay S. (2025). folders sub-folders (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2012b
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Sub function was exported to a stand alone function for use in other scenarios.

Minor modifications