Bichromatic colormap for real2rgb

버전 (1.66 KB) 작성자: Jurgen
Takes 2 RGB colors and returns a map or truecolor image. Same options as the colormaps from real2rgb
다운로드 수: 471
업데이트 날짜: 2013/1/14

라이선스 보기

Takes 2 RGB colors and returns a map or truecolor image. Same options as the colormaps from real2rgb

Based on real2rgb and the associated private functions. See Oliver Woodford's submission.

Instead of making a map for every unique combination of 2 colors I made 1 function that takes 2 colors as input.

E.g. map = bichromatic(cols);
See comment section in code for specifics

인용 양식

Jurgen (2024). Bichromatic colormap for real2rgb (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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받음: real2rgb & colormaps

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