Simple Object Creation in Matlab Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

버전 (43.6 KB) 작성자: Michael Chan
The objective is to provide a simple sample code to illustrate OOP in Matlab.
다운로드 수: 637
업데이트 날짜: 2013/1/11

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main executing reference usages:
1. usage_dynamicVariableNaming.m
a. dynamicVariableNaming.m : a Composite object (Structural in terms of design patterns) as part of an interpretor simulator for collecting variable data.
2. usage_subjectElement_WorldWithinWorlds.m : demonstrate composites with composite
a. subjectElement.m : a Composite object
3. usage_CreateBinaryTreeManually_Partial : an example of using a node to create a binary tree (manual and partial example)
a. node.m : node object

* Caveat:
1. For reference only.
2. Only for behavior observation.

If the illustrative demo has more elegant presentation, please do not hesitate to suggest and send feedback to the author.


Thank you.

Michael Chan JT

인용 양식

Michael Chan (2024). Simple Object Creation in Matlab Object Oriented Programming (OOP) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

added a 3rd example of using a node object to create a binary tree (manual and partial example)

Added a 2nd example to demonstrate composites with composite.