Density altitude calculator

버전 (8.63 KB) 작성자: Sky Sartorius
Finds altitude in the atmosphere as a function of air density.
다운로드 수: 1.3K
업데이트 날짜: 2017/7/3

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H = DENSITYALT(RHO,Param1,Val1,Param2,Val2,...) returns altitude, H, as a function of air density, RHO.
The input RHO can be followed by parameter/value pairs for further control:
inputUnits - String for units of input RHO, either kg/m³ or slug/ft³.
outputUnits - String for units of output H, either meters or feet.
atmosphereFunc - String determining atmosphere function to be used ( stdatmo | atmosisa | atmoscoesa | atmosnonstd ).
atmosphereArgs - Cell array of additional arguments to pass to atmosphereFunction after the density input (e.g. for non-standard atmospheres).
method - Method used for either searching for (with fzero or bisection) or interpolating a solution (the equations that define the standard atmosphere cannot be inverted in terms of density).
options - Options used for fzero or bisection methods.
and others.

인용 양식

Sky Sartorius (2025). Density altitude calculator (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Merged with other entry at
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New default atmosphere model, atmos.

Big rev: new input scheme and solution scheme using inputParser. New
documentation and example.

new method input, possibility, clean-up, example added, etc.

small documentation changes