PicoScope 3000 Series A API MATLAB Generic Instrument Driver

버전 (1010 KB) 작성자: Pico Technology
MATLAB Instrument Driver for use with PicoScope 3000 Series oscilloscopes (Beta release)
다운로드 수: 3.8K
업데이트 날짜: 2023/2/23

This MATLAB® Generic Instrument Driver allows you to acquire data from the PicoScope® 3000 Series High-Performance Oscilloscopes and control signal generator functionality. The data could be processed in MATLAB using functions from Toolboxes such as Signal Processing Toolbox.

Supported models

The driver will work with the following PicoScope models:

* PicoScope 3203D
* PicoScope 3204A/B/D
* PicoScope 3205A/B/D
* PicoScope 3206A/B/D
* PicoScope 3207A/B
* PicoScope 3203D MSO
* PicoScope 3204 MSO/D MSO
* PicoScope 3205 MSO/D MSO
* PicoScope 3206 MSO/D MSO
* PicoScope 3403D
* PicoScope 3404A/B/D
* PicoScope 3405A/B/D
* PicoScope 3406A/B/D
* PicoScope 3403D MSO
* PicoScope 3404D MSO
* PicoScope 3405D MSO
* PicoScope 3406D MSO

Please note that the driver will not work with the PicoScope 3204, 3205, 3206, 3223, 3224, 3423, 3424 and 3425 oscilloscopes - examples for these devices are available from:


Please click the Learn More button for further information.

인용 양식

Pico Technology (2025). PicoScope 3000 Series A API MATLAB Generic Instrument Driver (https://github.com/picotech/picosdk-ps3000a-matlab-instrument-driver), GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2017a
R2015b에서 R2017a까지의 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Update Description and Other Requirements

Update MATLAB Release and Platform Compability information.

Added displayOutput property
Updated description and Other Requirements.
Minor update to support model text.

Migrated beta version files.
Updated description.

Moved files to GitHub
Added Beta package to support new PicoScope 3000 Series Oscilloscopes and Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes.

Submitted as package.

- Fixed ps3000aSetBandwidthLimiter function.
- Added support for PicoScope 3207A/B on USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 connections.
- Added support for 64-bit Linux.

Update to driver and improved block and rapid block examples. Added support for MATLAB 64-bit.

Updated to list PicoScope 3000 Series models supported.

Note regarding streaming mode capture added.

Updated devices that are not supported and note on the new PicoScope 320X MSO devices.

Update to title and description.

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