
버전 (581 Bytes) 작성자: Rasmus Anthin
This nifty function retrieves figure windows that have come outside or partially outside the screen.
다운로드 수: 1.7K
업데이트 날짜: 2003/8/12

라이선스 없음

It has happened mostly to all of us at least once, that a program have created a window that is beyond reach of the mouse pointer thus making it practically impossible to drag down the window or resizing it the conventional way maneouvres with the mouse.

If this should happen in MATLAB (yes, this can actually happen in MATLAB, belive it or not), this little nifty application moves the figure window down to the left bottom corner of the screen making it easy to reach the window list with the mouse for further maneouvres. Optionally you can also tell GETFIG to resize the figure window to a convenient size if it is wider than half the screenwidth or higher than half the screen height.

인용 양식

Rasmus Anthin (2025). getfig.m (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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