버전 (2.81 KB) 작성자: Miroslav Balda
Wait for and identify a pressed key
다운로드 수: 380
업데이트 날짜: 2012/7/16

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The function GETK fulfills the similar tasks as its prototype, the function GETKEY. It waits for a keypress, stores the key identifier and a period of the waiting. Since the new function behaves differently from its origin, it has got another name. Appart from GETKEY, the function GETK comprises names of ascii characters and non-ascii keys into a single string. The function creates a modal figure window with a name 'PRESS A KEY' at a required place of the screen.

인용 양식

Miroslav Balda (2025). GETK (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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