The Krouchev Journal-Figure Advanced MATLAB Toolkit

버전 (3.88 KB) 작성자: Nedialko
Toward an advanced Toolkit for Journal-Figure preparation using MATLAB
다운로드 수: 713
업데이트 날짜: 2012/3/14

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Provides (for now) 2 utilities that address user needs (see comments to the acknowledged submissions

% lafig3: Combines existing (sub)figures into a new figure.
% zbkfig1: Scales down or up a whole figure to better fit the page of the (save as) .pdf

See the demo3 & utilities help, as well as browse boldly inside their MATLAB code


Although the code is made as user-friendly & as much annotated as is reasonable,
it is meant for peer MATLAB users i.e. for a somewhat advanced community, that would use the code toward, say, journal-article or internal-report preparation.

Whoever finds this insufficient is kindly invited to proceed better in his/her own doing.

인용 양식

Nedialko (2025). The Krouchev Journal-Figure Advanced MATLAB Toolkit (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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도움 받은 파일: tilefigs.m, SUBFIGURE, subfigure, figure inset

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