Loads the mesh data from an Amira 3D manipulation program. Amira is usually used to create morphological reconstructions of neurons.
It uses Amira's mesh file format that looks like this:
# AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0
nVertices 4651
nEdges 9302
define Origins 125
define vertexTypeList 0
Parameters { ... }
Vertices { float[3] Coordinates } @1
Vertices { int NeighbourCount } @2
Vertices { float Radii } @3
EdgeData { int NeighbourList } @4
Origins { int Origins } @5
Vertices { int vertexTypeCounter } @6
vertexTypeList { int vertexTypeList } @7
# Data section follows
46.2348 45.2406 7.08964
In Matlab, you can use it like this:
>> obj = loadAmiraMesh('test.am')
obj =
nVertices: 4651
nEdges: 9302
nOrigins: 125
vertices: [4651x3 double]
neighborCount: [4651x1 double]
radii: [4651x1 double]
neighborList: [9302x1 double]
Origins: [125x1 double]
인용 양식
Cengiz Gunay (2024). loadAmiraMesh (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/34909-loadamiramesh), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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