ECG Waveform Simulator

버전 (378 KB) 작성자: Neil Forcier
The “ECG Waveform Simulator” program gives users the ability to easily create custom ECG waveforms.
다운로드 수: 4.1K
업데이트 날짜: 2011/10/12

라이선스 보기

The “ECG Waveform Simulator” program gives users the ability to easily create custom ECG waveforms. The program stores the waveform data in a Matlab array and plots the waveform. It then provides the user the ability to send the ECG waveform to an arbitrary waveform generator or to store the ECG waveform in a CSV file. The arbitrary waveform generator feature allows you to easily recreate a real world ECG signals for testing ECG measurement equipment. The CSV file storage allows you to store the custom ECG waveform you created for later analysis and use. It also allows you to analyze and manipulate the ECG waveform using Excel tools.
The ECG Waveform Simulator uses Fourier Series to create the various parts of an ECG waveform. This approach makes it simple to manipulate and customize the waveform by specifying the amplitude and duration of the various parts of the ECG waveform such as the P, QRS, T, and U portions of the waveform. This program highly leverages the “ECG simulation using MATLAB” program created by karthik raviprakash for creating the ECG waveforms. For more information on how the waveforms are created and how to customize the waveforms refer to the enclosed PDF file entitled “ECG.”
The program can remotely send and store the waveforms on the 33521A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator and the 33522A 2-Channel Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator for testing ECG measurement equipment. Besides providing the ability to continuously output any stored ECG waveform, the 33521A and 33522A also have a feature known as waveform sequencing that allows you to create long complex patterns of waveforms stored in memory. The sequencing feature is analogous to creating a playlist on your MP3 player. You can piece together multiple ECG waveforms in memory to create a long complex pattern of ECG waveforms for creating real world ECG patterns. For more information on using the 33521A and 33522A sequencing feature refer to the following link: The program uses Ethernet to remotely connect to a 33521A or 33522A using just the instrument’s IP address. The instrument must be connected to the computer running the program via a LAN cable or to the same Ethernet network that the computer is connect to. You must have the Matlab “Instrument” toolbox to run this program.

인용 양식

Neil Forcier (2024). ECG Waveform Simulator (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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