Region Coloring

버전 (75.3 KB) 작성자: Michael Chan
To provide sample usage for highlighting selected region.
다운로드 수: 193
업데이트 날짜: 2011/10/2

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The objective is to provide sample usage for randomly selected region. The selected region(s) are highlighted.
The utility may be used for example in the form of highlighting hardware memory, Venn fields in 2D, targeted landscape, etc.

main executing reference usages:
1. usageRandomVersusSelectedRegionColoring.m
a. usageSettingRandomColorsToSelectedRegion_ElementWise.m
highlight different element zones (ie. 1x1 to nxn) with different colors
b. usageSettingRandomColorsToBlockRegion_ElementWise.m
here a larger zone is selected with different starting locations
2. usageSettingRandomColorsToBlockRegion_DotWise.m
This operation may be intense as it creates random colors for each unit space (which may be a byte space, etc).

* Caveat:
1. For reference only.

If the illustrative demo has more elegant presentation, please do not hesitate to suggest and send feedback to the author.

Thank you.

Michael Chan JT

인용 양식

Michael Chan (2024). Region Coloring (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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