Induction motor model in rotor flux frame with three phase sinusoidal excitation

Induction motor model in rotor flux frame with three phase sinusoidal excitation
다운로드 수: 3.4K
업데이트 날짜: 2011/7/31

라이선스 보기

This model simulates three phase induction motor model in rotor frame of reference.It is helpful in simulation of induction motor drives.
Electrical system equations:

Vs = Rs is + (1/wb) (dfs/dt) + wf M(pi/2) fs

where the variables is, vs, and fs are 2-dimensional space vectors and M(pi/2) represents a 90 degree space rotator namely [0 -1;1 0]

wf = wm + wr;
wr = Rr Lm/Lr (iqs / fdr)
1/wb Lr/Rr (dfdr/dt) + fdr = Lm ids
fqr = 0

The flux linkage current relations:
fs = Ls is + Lm ir
fr = Lm is + Lr ir
Ls= Lm + Lls;
Lr = Lm + Lrl

Mechanical system equations:
Te = 2H (dwm/dt) + Bm wm + Tl
where Te = Lm/Lr (iqs fdr)

인용 양식

Syed Abdul Rahman Kashif (2024). Induction motor model in rotor flux frame with three phase sinusoidal excitation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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개발 환경: R2008b
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