Require FEX package

버전 (7.82 KB) 작성자: Igor Podlubny
Let the user download and install those File Exchange packages, which your submission needs.
다운로드 수: 1.8K
업데이트 날짜: 2016/10/28

라이선스 보기

The authors of submissions (packages) to FEX may sometime use the functions from the packages submitted to FEX by other authors. Instead of distributing those packages written by others, the authors of FEX submissions can use the function 'requireFEXpackage.m' for helping users with downloading and installing the required FEX packages.
Three included sample scripts demonstrate how this can be done.
In particular, see the instruction in the 'installFEXpackages.m'.
The easiest way is just to add the files 'requireFEXpackage.m' and 'installFEXpackages.m'
to your toolbox, modify the file 'installFEXpackages.m', and instruct the user of your toolbox
to run the script 'installFEXpackages.m' once before using your toolbox.
The user is always asked where to put the requested FEX package. A subdirectory called 'NNNNN' (where NNNNN is the ID of the requested FEX package) is created in the user-selected location, and all files from the requested FEX package are installed there.

There is also another function in this toolbox, namely 'suggestFEXpackage.m', which can be used in situations, where the the other FEX submission can be recommended as a related one, but is not a necessary pre-requisite.

It can be recommended to create a directory called 'FEX' for putting all FEX packages there.

인용 양식

Igor Podlubny (2024). Require FEX package (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Changed 'http:' to 'https:' in baseURL, as suggested by Scott Lowe.

Enhanced formatting in the dialog in 'requireFEXpackage.m'. New function 'suggestFEXpackage.m' added.

Removed unnecessary line in the code.