Zoom Keys

버전 1.3 (130 KB) 작성자: Ned Gulley
Pan and zoom with simple keystrokes.
다운로드 수: 4.2K
업데이트 날짜: 2022/10/26
Use this tool to move quickly around the data displayed in a 2-D plot. Make sure the figure has focus, and then press any of the following keys. Clicking and dragging will pan the data.
Keys you can use are:
z, Z: zoom in, zoom out, in both dimensions
x, X: zoom in, zoom out, x dimension only
y, Y: zoom in, zoom out, y dimension only
arrow keys: pan the data
a: axis auto
n: axis normal
e: axis equal
g: toggle grid state
spacebar: toggle axis tick display state
h: help

인용 양식

Ned Gulley (2025). Zoom Keys (https://github.com/gulley/Ax-Drag/releases/tag/v1.3), GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2022b
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도움 준 파일: Orthogonalslicer, INTERACTIVEMOUSE

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GitHub 디폴트 브랜치를 사용하는 버전은 다운로드할 수 없음

버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/gulley/Ax-Drag/releases/tag/v1.3

Moving to GitHub.

Changed copyright information and submission title.

Fixed help, added double buffering

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