Finite Difference Laplace Equation Solver using unequal square grid xy grids.

버전 (15.8 MB) 작성자: sunil anandatheertha
Finite difference (central) method is applied and solution is used to solve Laplace's equation.
다운로드 수: 2.6K
업데이트 날짜: 2011/1/19

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3. A read me text file.
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Finite difference (central) method is applied and solution is obtained for the stream function for Laplace's equation.

I have tried to impart a good level of flexibility w.r.t the grid lenghts, position obstruction and its dimensions, dimensions of the channel, etc. I have been successfully achieveing all these but my idea of including non-circular obstructions is still pending and hope to update the upload as soon I shall be done wih it.

The code is pretty transparent in its construction and I feel it should not be difficult to alter it to your needs. Use it to your needs, but do pay proper acknowledgment please :). - Sunil Anandatheertha

인용 양식

sunil anandatheertha (2024). Finite Difference Laplace Equation Solver using unequal square grid xy grids. (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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