
버전 (2.69 KB) 작성자: Michael Völker
convert subscripts to ALL corresponding indices
다운로드 수: 654
업데이트 날짜: 2012/2/7

라이선스 보기

idx = sub2allind(sz, sub1, sub2, sub3, ... )

Like Matlab's sub2ind, sub2allind computes the equivalent linear indices for
given subscripts of an array with size SZ.
Unlike sub2ind, it computes a field of all combinations of
subscripts. So, instead of calling A( 2:3, 1, 4:11) you might
linIdx = sub2allind( size(A), 2:3, 1, 4:11 );

and then call A(linIdx) or A(linIdx(:)) or you reshape linIdx the way you need.

This is usefull whenever you want to access a subset of an array and compare it with a differently shaped thing, like

A(linIdx(:)) = A(linIdx(:)) + <1D-Vector>

Using the naked colon operator is allowed to reference an entire dimension:

linIdx = sub2allind( sz, :, sub2 );

인용 양식

Michael Völker (2025). sub2allind (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Added H1 line; fixed bug when asking for a column of indices only

* shape of output fits the adressed field now
* little more docu and error checking

* Implemented colon operator (Thanks to Matt J)
* possible errors catched; more comments