
버전 (2.13 KB) 작성자: Benjamin Kraus
Notify you via email or text message when your functions finish or crash.
다운로드 수: 1.5K
업데이트 날짜: 2010/9/16

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편집자 메모: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

notifier - Notifies you via email when a function finishes.

varargout = notifier(recipients, fh, varargin)

notifier is a wrapper for a sub function. It takes as input a list of recipients, a function handle, and arguments for the sub function. It then calls the sub function, passing in all the arguments, and notifies the recipients via email when the sub function completes. In the event of an error, the text of the error message is sent to the recipients via email. This is designed for long running functions, so you can leave the computer and be notified when to come back. This function uses sendmail to send notices, so make sure that sendmail is working properly before attempting to use this function. Sendmail accepts email addreses, but if your phone/carrier supports this feature, you can often use specially fomatted email addresses to send TXT messages to your mobile phone. For example, for Verizon Wireless, you can use the email address <phonenumber>, such as

recipients - E-mail addresses to notify. Passed directly to sendmail,
so see the documentation for sendmail for formatting.
fh - Function handle for the sub function to run.
varargin - Input arguments passed directly to the sub function.

varargout - Output from the sub funtion is passed directly as output
from this function.

Without notifier:
output = myfunc(arg1, arg2)
With notifier:
output = notifier('', @myfunc, arg1, arg2)

인용 양식

Benjamin Kraus (2025). Notifier (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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