
버전 (1.3 MB) 작성자: Oleg Komarov
Read metastock files (master, emaster, xmaster and .dat/.mwd)
다운로드 수: 1.6K
업데이트 날짜: 2017/9/13

Read metastock files (symbols index files: master, emaster, xmaster; data files: .dat and .mwd; no .dop support)
(1) METASTOCKREAD Read the symbols index file selected with uigetfile and import the data
(2) METASTOCKREAD(FULLPATH) Read the file specified by FULLPATH

OUT = metastockread(...)
OUT is a "m by 1" NON-scalar structure, where "m" is the # of .dat/.mwd files in the same directory of the symbol index files.

The (sub)scalar structure has the following fields:
- datNum : # of the .dat/.mwd file with the data
- symbol : security symbol
- name : security name
- inDate : initial date as 'yyyy-mm-dd'
- fiDate : final date as 'yyyy-mm-dd'
- freq : time freq. of the data I (intraday), D (daily), W, M, Q or Y
- idFreq : intraday time frequency in minutes
- data : time series data with variable number of fields (columns)

The data field columns follow the schema:

| Date/Time | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume | OpenInterest |

For details see help
For examples see the attached image.

인용 양식

Oleg Komarov (2024). okomarov/metastockread (https://github.com/okomarov/metastockread), GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2009b
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Fixes suggeste dby Richard and Goryn, ported to github

- Cross platform compatible filepath handling (thanks to Thiago Tavares for reporting)
- got rid of dataread for forward compatibility

Uploaded wrong file.

Fixed erroneous date conversion for intraday series. As pointed out by Luca LPr the month had the same value as minutes due to same name of the variable.

Added fix for buggy *.dat files as pointed out by Davide Dalmasso

Added fix for buggy *.dat files as pointed out by Davide Dalmasso

Added link to FEX page, edited example and edited description.

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