B = CELL2STR(C) returns a B such that C = EVAL(B).
This is the same as NUM2STR, except it works on cell arrays that contain strings, numeric arrays and other cell arrays. C must be a 2D cell array. B will be a string that can be evaluated. to return a cell array identical (up to numerical accuracy) to C.
Optional input arguments:
B = CELL2STR(C,N) uses N digits of precision for numeric arrays. N defaults to 15.
B = CELL2STR(C,'class') and B = CELL2STR(C,N,'class') also include the class string for the numeric arrays.
인용 양식
Cris Luengo (2025). cell2str (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/28462-cell2str), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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