FVOUT = SPLITFV(F,V) separates disconnected pieces inside a patch defined by faces (F) and
vertices (V). FVOUT is a structure array with fields "faces" and "vertices". Each element of
this array indicates a separately connected patch.
FVOUT = SPLITFV(FV) takes in FV as a structure with fields "faces" and "vertices"
For example:
fullpatch.vertices = [2 4; 2 8; 8 4; 8 0; 0 4; 2 6; 2 2; 4 2; 4 0; 5 2; 5 0];
fullpatch.faces = [1 2 3; 1 3 4; 5 6 1; 7 8 9; 11 10 4];
figure, subplot(2,1,1), patch(fullpatch,'facecolor','r'), title('Unsplit mesh');
splitpatch = splitFV(fullpatch);
colours = lines(length(splitpatch));
subplot(2,1,2), hold on, title('Split mesh');
for i=1:length(splitpatch)
Note: faces and vertices should be defined such that faces sharing a coincident vertex reference
the same vertex number, rather than having a separate vertice defined for each face (yet at the
same vertex location). In other words, running the following command: size(unique(v,'rows') ==
size(v) should return TRUE. An explicit test for this has not been included in this function so
as to allow for the deliberate splitting of a mesh at a given location by simply duplicating
those vertices.
See also PATCH
인용 양식
Sven (2025). splitFV - split a mesh (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27667-splitfv-split-a-mesh), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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