
버전 (1.76 KB) 작성자: Kelsey Jordahl
Plot shaded relief, optionally using simulated lighting direction
다운로드 수: 1.3K
업데이트 날짜: 2009/11/3

라이선스 보기

IMSHADE will plot a matrix representing topography as a 3-component color image, with intensity proportional to the magnitude of the topographic slope of each pixel. Optionally, it can take an argument for lighting angle to use the directional slope.

The current colormap will be used, but future changes in the colormap will not alter the image, since it is now displayed as RGB derived from the colormap and shading.

Nondirectional shading usually scales well, though it is not very robust to spikes in the topographic gradient. The normalization used for directional shading does not always yield satisfactory results and may benefit from some tweaking.

Attached screenshot shows a seamount plotted with IMAGESC (no shaded relief) and with IMSHADE.

인용 양식

Kelsey Jordahl (2024). imshade (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Attach corrected screenshot (previous version had incorrect latitude and longitude labels)

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