logical2cellstr, cellstr2logical
C = LOGICAL2CELLSTR(TF) takes a logical array TF, and returns a cell array of strings, with the value 'true' wherever TF is true, and 'false' wherever TF is false.
logical2char([true false; false true])
ans =
'true' 'false'
'false' 'true'
TF = CELLSTR2LOGICAL(C) takes a cell array of strings and returns a logical array. Where the input value is 'true' (matched case insensitively), then the corresponding return value is true. Likewise, where the input value is 'false' (matched case insensitively), then the corresponding return value is false. An error is thrown if any other strings are contained in c.
TF = CELLSTR2LOGICAL(C, 1) is as above, but the strings are matched case sensitively.
cellstr2logical({'false', 'True'; 'TRUE' 'FAlsE'})
ans =
0 1
1 0
인용 양식
Richie Cotton (2024). logical2cellstr, cellstr2logical (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24665-logical2cellstr-cellstr2logical), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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