Siemens DICOM sort and convert to NIfTI

버전 1.27 (164 KB) 작성자: Simon Robinson
Converts Siemens MRI DICOM data into NIfTI format, and/or anonymises and sorts into scan directories
다운로드 수: 8.8K
업데이트 날짜: 2020/4/7

라이선스 보기

The program offers GUI (dicom_sort_convert_main.m) and .m (example_dscm_call.m) input to select input and output directories and determine options. The main functions are

i) sorting of Siemens MR scanner (IMA) data into directories, removal of patient name from file, and lightly anonymisaton (only PatientName fields but not DOB, gender, PatientID, etc)
ii) Conversion to one-file (.nii) or two-file (.img, .hdr) NIfTI format (one per scan), reformatting more complex scans to use up to six dimensions of the NIfTI structure (time-points, echo, RF channel, phase/magnitude, diffusion gradient, etc). Also writes both DICOM header info and the text section of Siemens header info to a text_header.txt file for each scan.
iii) Generation of a list of all scans performed (scan_list.txt) including most relevant parameters (can easily be customised), making it easy to generate a summary sheet for each subject scanned.

Thanks to Jimmy Shen for sharing, developing and supporting his excellent NIfTI toolbox.

인용 양식

Simon Robinson (2025). Siemens DICOM sort and convert to NIfTI (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2019a
모든 릴리스와 호환
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도움 받은 파일: Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

see comments in dicom_sort_convert_main.m

Please see version changes via 'help dicom_sort_convert_main.m'.

please see help

Summary field too short to be useful. Use >> help dicom_sort_convert_main

The 250 character limit for summaries is too short.
download and type >> help dicom_sort_convert_main to see changes in v1.17

There were a couple of trivial bugs in v1.15 which rendered it a defunct version. I have corrected these. Apologies

Splash image (required) was missing from archive

v1.14 1) reformats DTI data, 4th dim is grad
v1.15 1) Suggests alternative directory names if illegal
2) Improved reformatting to [x][y][z][time][echos][channels][phase/mag] for 8, 24 and 32-element coils

v1.14 1) reformats DTI data (4th Dim is grad)
v1.15 1) Suggests alternative directory name if illegal chars
2) Improved reformatting into [x][y][z][time][echos][channels][phase/mag] for 8, 24 and 32-element coils