
버전 (1.77 KB) 작성자: Gijs van Oort
Calculate time derivative as a function of state and input variables of a (nonlinear) dynamic system
다운로드 수: 1.1K
업데이트 날짜: 2008/10/16

라이선스 보기

function ddt(of, n, state,dstate,f,u)

of: the symbolic function you want the derivative of (e.g. x2)
n: n'th order derivative
state: a column vector denoting the names of the state, e.g. [x1;x2]
dstate: the names of the states plus a d in front of them, e.g. [dx1; dx2]
f: symbolic expression for the derivative of the state, e.g. [x2, sin(u1) ]
u: a list of inputs, e.g. [u1]

Suppose we have the following (nonlinear) dynamic system:

d/ / x1 \ / 2 * cos(x2) + u1 \
dt \ x2 / = \ - x1^2 + x1*u2 / , y = x2 + x1 + u2

where x1, x2 are time-dependent states and u1/u2 are time-dependent inputs
and we are interested (for some reason) in the second time derivative of
y, expressed in terms of the state [x1;x2] and the inputs and its
derivatives ([u1;u2], [du1;du2], [d2u1; d2u2]). We calculate this as

syms x1 x2 dx1 dx2 u1 u2;
eqn = [ 2*cos(x2) + u1; -x1^2 + x1*u2];
y = x2 + x1 + u2;
ddy = ddt ( y, 2, [x1;x2], [dx1;dx2], eqn, [u1;u2])

ddy =

Note: This function needs the function 'fulldiff' by Tim Jorris, which
can be downloaded from Matlab's File Exchange.

인용 양식

Gijs van Oort (2024). ddt (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/21764-ddt), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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