This function computes n-times intersection region of shapes collection and allows to identify every intersection region in which shapes intersect.
The function takes one argument as input, a structure S containing geometrical descriptions of shapes, and delivers one output argument, a structure containing the different shape intersections, with the shape indexes involded in the intersection and the associated area. The second argument is optional. Display_result is a binary value which indicates whether the result should be displayed (1) or not (0).
Input: S : Structure containing geometrical description of polygons.
S(i) contains all information relative to the i-th shape
S(i).P(j) gives access to the geometrical description of the j-th
element of the i-th shape.
XData : S(i).P(j).x : Vector
YData : S(i).P(j).y : Vector
Hole : S(i).P(j).hole : Binary value (1= hole, 0= fill).
This binary variable indicates whether the consider polygon
S(i).P(j) is a hole or not. Hole are represented with
dotted lines on figures.
Output: Geo : Structure containing geometrical description of the
intersection polygons, their area, and shape indexes used
to compute the intersection.
Geo(i).index contains the polygon indexes
Geo(i).P contains the geometry of the polygon
P is a structure containing XData &
YData of polygons.
XData : Geo(i).P(j).x : Vector
YData : Geo(i).P(j).y : Vector
Hole : Geo(i).P(j).hole : Binary value (1
= hole, 0= fill)
Geo(i).area contains the area of the i-th shape.
인용 양식
Guillaume JACQUENOT (2025). Polygon_Intersection (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/18173-polygon_intersection), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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도움 받은 파일: Polygon Clipper
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