버전 (1.66 KB) 작성자: Vassili Pastushenko
drags nonmodified line/patch/text objects
다운로드 수: 8.8K
업데이트 날짜: 2007/12/12

라이선스 없음

Not new after MOVEROTATEOBJ and DRAG_PATCH, but still has some convenience in use, allowing both standard and relaxed dragging styles. Option of dragging TEXT is added to previous version (DISPLIN). This could be simply done by turning EDITABLE 'on', but then the user needs to click Edit icon additionally. Also, improved safety against frequent error while selecting line objects.

Principally file works similar to MOVEROTATEOBJ or DRAG_PATCH, but it does not need any modification of object properties.

POWEL and BOW from FEX are used here only for demo. One can test DISPLACE file with any line, patch or text objects.

>> displace

인용 양식

Vassili Pastushenko (2025). DISPLACE (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/17976-displace), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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