​​Tractor Model with Simscape​

This project shows how to model a tractor, evaluate, and visualize energy charts for a tractor transmission.
다운로드 수: 90
업데이트 날짜: 2024/7/12

Tractor Model with Simscape

This project contains custom libraries, models, and code to help you model a tractor. You can evaluate transmission losses and visualize energy charts for a tractor. Tractor design is an important way to boost efficiency in agriculture. Developing a tractor model that interacts with the environment requires an accurate model of tire-soil dynamics that includes interaction of tractive elements such as tire and implement with soil, which is a complicated problem to solve. You can accelerate the development process by starting with a system-level analysis to evaluate the options. This project shows how to create a system-level tractor model using Simscape™, Simscape Driveline™ and, Simscape Fluids™.

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This project contains a simplified system-level tractor model for tillage operation. You can define your own custom scenario and driver controls to analyze the tractor performance.

The project shows how to:

  1. Parameterize components using custom library blocks such as the Tire (Tire-Soil Interaction) and Implement blocks.

  2. Build a Tractor Energy Computation Model from custom components and Simscape and Simscape Driveline blocks.

  3. Perform Transmission Energy Charting and visualize the energy flow from the engine to the wheels.


  • Clone the project repository.
  • Open TractorSimscape.prj to get started with the project.
  • Requires MATLAB® release R2024a or newer.

Copyright 2024 The MathWorks, Inc.

인용 양식

MathWorks Simscape Team (2025). ​​Tractor Model with Simscape​ (https://github.com/simscape/Tractor-Simscape/releases/tag/, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2024a
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See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/simscape/Tractor-Simscape/releases/tag/

See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/simscape/Tractor-Simscape/releases/tag/

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