Matlab's dec2hex converts a vector of decimals into a charachter array - which is cumbersom to manipulate
dec2hex_ex gives a solution for this...
out = dec2hex([1 10 20])
out = 3×2 char array
[out,outCell] = dec2hex_ex(dec_vector,numDigits,addHexPrefix)
dec_vector: hold 1 or more decimals
numDigits : optional, integer, can be given as empty braces ([])
addHexPrefix: optional, default = false, if true: adds '0x' so output
could be sent to 'eval' function
out : The trivial output as char array
outCell : Cell arrayoutput
out = dec2hex_ex([1 10 20]) % out = '[1,A,14]'
out = dec2hex_ex([1 10 20],3) % out = '[001, 00A, 014]'
out = dec2hex_ex([1 10 20],[], 1) % out = '[0x1,0xA,0x14]'
[out, outCell] = dec2hex_ex([1 10 20]) % outCell = {'1','A','14'}
[out, outCell] = dec2hex_ex([1 10 20],[], 1) % outCell = {'0x1','0xA','0x14'}
[out, outCell] = dec2hex_ex([1 10 20],4 , 1) % out = '[0x0001, 0x000A, 0x0014]'
인용 양식
Matlab Pro (2025). dec2hex_ex (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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