Aircraft Stability Analyzer (ASA)
버전 1.2.2 (676 KB) 작성자:
Joshua Levin Kurniawan
Aircraft Stability Analyzer allows the user to rapidly analyze the stability of the designed aircraft using the known aerodynamics data.
Aircraft Stability Analyzer (ASA) allows the user to rapidly analyze the stability of the designed aircraft using the known aerodynamics data.
This app includes:
1. First order aerodynamics derivative of several preset airplane, including Cessna Model 172, Beech Model 99, SIAI-Marchetti B-211, Gates, Learjet Model 24, McDonnel Douglas F4C, and Boeing 747-100 (Taken from Roskam, Jan. Airplane design. DARcorporation, 1985), or you can define your own aircraft aerodynamics coefficients by manual input or using DATCOM output file,
2. Static stability analysis and compare it to typical aircraft value,
3. Trim triangle analysis,
4. Aircraft trim condition by utilizing Simulink model,
5. Aircraft's linearized equation of motion in a form of state space for both longitudinal and lateral-directional mode,
6. Flight mode (phugoid, short period, dutch roll, spiral, and roll subsidence) analysis.
인용 양식
Joshua Levin Kurniawan (2025). Aircraft Stability Analyzer (ASA) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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