Initialize a MATLAB Toolbox

버전 1.0.0 (99.1 KB) 작성자: Steve Eddins
Create a basic set of folders and files for a MATLAB toolbox
다운로드 수: 17
업데이트 날짜: 2024/4/6

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Initialize a MATLAB Toolbox

The function inittbx initializes a folder hierarchy and a basic set of files according to MATLAB Toolbox Best Practices by rpurser47 and others. The resulting hierarchy contains:

  • toolbox folder with a sample function and a sample gettingStarted.mlx
  • toolbox/examples folder with a sample example
  • tests folder with a sample test
  • Configuration files that enable buildtool to run code checks, run tests, and produce a release package
  • (stub)
  • (stub)
  • with a to-do list for getting your toolbox ready to publish


Download the inittbx.mltbx file from the GitHub repository releases area or from the File Exchange. Double-click on the downloaded file to automatically and run the MATLAB add-on installer. This will copy the files to your MATLAB add-ons area and add inittbx to your MATLAB search path.

Later, you can use the MATLAB Add-On Manager to uninstall.

Getting Started

See the Getting Started script for more information.

Copyright © 2024 Steven L. Eddins

인용 양식

Steve Eddins (2025). Initialize a MATLAB Toolbox (, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

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R2023b 이상 릴리스와 호환
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