Grab 2D points

버전 (857 KB) 작성자: Nassim Khaled
This code is used to digitize 2d figures that you find in publications, journals, or simply scanned
다운로드 수: 3.5K
업데이트 날짜: 2008/8/21

라이선스 보기

% This code is used to digitize figures that you find in publications, journals, or simply scanned reports or documents by clicking on the desired points using the mouse.
% You can use it to pick [x,y] points by clicking on the original scanned plot.
% To run, simply type:


% and then follow the instructions
% Notes:
% 1- Plots or figures should be of jpg, png, bmp or any other format that is
% acceptable by matlab and in the same directory as these m-files you are using.
% 2- You don't have to select the points in increasing or decreasing
% order. Click wherever you want on the plot. I have written a small code
% to sort the vectors in ascending order
% 3- The [x,y] data points will be saved in GRABBED.mat. Load
% GRABBED.mat and the first column of GRABBED will be your absisca points, the second
% are the ordinates.

% This code is written by
% Nassim Khaled
% June 2007

Important:Change imshow to imagesc for people without Image Processing Toolbox.

인용 양식

Nassim Khaled (2025). Grab 2D points (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

I have deleted unnecessary data from the output file.