2D Apollonian gasket with four identical circles

버전 (3.22 KB) 작성자: Guillaume JACQUENOT
Plot a 2D apollonian gasket with 4 identical circles
다운로드 수: 1.1K
업데이트 날짜: 2007/8/18

라이선스 보기

In mathematics, an Apollonian gasket or Apollonian net is a fractal generated from three circles, any two of which are tangent to one another
The method used to create the Apollonian gasket is based on circle inversion, which is a geometrical transformation acting with a reference circle that modifies points.
% In the plane, the inverse of a point P in respect to a circle of center O and radius R is a point P' such that P and P' are on the same ray going from O, and OP times OP' equals the radius squared
OP * OP' =R²

인용 양식

Guillaume JACQUENOT (2025). 2D Apollonian gasket with four identical circles (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/15958-2d-apollonian-gasket-with-four-identical-circles), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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